T:OK, today we are going to learn the first module of the new book. It's about small talk. Small talk? And who knows what does it mean? OK, I will give you its definition and then please guess. "it refers to conversation about ordinary or unimportant matters, usually at a social event. For example: He has no small talk. It means that he is not good at talking to people about ordinary or unimportant things ". OK, it's your turn to answer my question.
T:Now. I'll list several topics on the blackboard and then you will classify them into two parts, namely the serious topics or the small talk. (careers, cars, examinations, film stars, food, music, politics, sport, travel, weather)
Which of the topics do you like talking about with your friends?
Which of them do you talk about with your parents?
Which of them do you talk about with your teacher?
Which of them do you never talk about?
T:After knowing the definition and the kinds of small talk, let's come to its rule and I think that it can help you to do well in a social event.