1.media n. 新闻媒体;传媒
2.acquire v. 得到;获得
3.furthermore adv. 此外;而且
4.splendid adj. 极好的;优秀的
5.dilemma n. 进退两难的境地;困难的抉择
6.convey v. 传达;传递
7.thus adv. 因此;因而
8.withdraw v. 收回;撤销(说过的话)
9.potential adj. 潜在的;可能的
10.abuse v. 辱骂;恶语
11.betray v. 对......不忠
12.overcome v. 征服;战胜
13.prejudice n. 偏见;歧视
14.conflict n. 抵触;冲突
15.moral n. 寓意;教育意义
16.superior adj. 更好的;更强的
17.initially adv. 起初
18.candidate n. 投考者;应考人
2.investigate v.调查→investigation n.调查
3.convinced adj.确信的;信服的→convince v.使确信;说服→convincing adj.令人信服的
4.clarify v.弄明白;澄清→clarification n.澄清;说明
5.tendency n.趋向; 倾向→tend v.倾向,易于
6.reject v.拒绝接受→rejection n.拒绝
7.oppose v.反对;反抗→opposed adj.相反的;反对的→opposition n.对抗;反抗→opposite adj.相对的;对面的 n.反义词,对立的事物
8.resist v.抵抗;对抗→resistance n.抵制,抵抗→resistant adj.有抵抗力的;抵制的
9.approval n.赞许;赞成→approve v.赞成
10.curiosity n.好奇心→curious adj.好奇的→curiously adv.好奇地 1.media n.新闻媒体;传媒
[单数] medium
[联想] ①数据:datum (单数)→data (复数)
②细菌:bacterium (单数)→bacteria (复数)
2.acquire v.得到;获得
[词块] ①acquire good habits 养成好习惯
②acquire knowledge 获得知识
[同义] obtain, gain, attain
3.furthermore adv.此外;而且
[同义] besides, what's more, in addition
4.splendid adj.极好的;优秀的
[同义] wonderful, magnificent, excellent
5.thus adv.因此;因而
[同义] therefore
6.withdraw v.收回;撤销(withdrew, withdrawn)
[词块] withdraw one's remarks收回某人的话
7.curiosity n.好奇心
[词块] ①out of curiosity 出于好奇
②satisfy one's curiosity满足某人的好奇心
[串记] The audience were curious about the black box; to satisfy their curiosity, the magician opened it.
8.investigate v.调查
[串记] To get more evidence, the lawyer investigated many witnesses. After investigation, he got some useful proof.
9.convinced adj.确信的;信服的
[串记] His convincing words finally convinced me, and I was convinced that he was innocent.
2.find one's way into 进入
3.in conclusion 总之
4.a huge number of 大量的
5.be relevant to 与......相关
6.get down to sth. 开始做某事
7.let sb. down 使某人失望
8.be associated with 与......有关,与......有联系
9.be superior to 比......好/强 1.ever since 自从那时起
2.on the Internet 在网上
3.go away 离开
4.Englishspeaking countries 说英语的国家
5.in English 用英语
6.go through a door 通过一扇门
7.grow fast 快速增长
8.spoken Chinese 汉语口语
9.be meant for those learners 为那些学习者而设 三、这样记句式
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