

(法) 拉封丹, 著







上册 Part Ⅰ

卷一 Book 1 3

1. 知了和蚂蚁/

The Grasshopper and the Ant 5

2. 乌鸦和狐狸/

The Raven and the Fox 8

3. 青蛙希望和牛一样大/

The Frog That Wished to be as Big as the Ox 9

4. 两头骡子/

The Two Mules 11

5. 狼和狗/

The Wolf and the Dog 14

6. 小母牛、山羊、绵羊和狮子结成联盟/

The Heifer, the Goat, and the Sheep, in Company with

the Lion 17

7. 褡裢/

The Wallet 19

8. 燕子和小鸟/

The Swallow and the Little Birds 21

9. 城里的老鼠和乡村的老鼠/

The City Rat and the Country Rat 25

10. 狼和小羊/

The Wolf and the Lamb 28

11. 男人和他的镜像/

The Man and His Image 31

12. 多头的龙和多尾巴的龙/

The Dragon with Many Heads, and the Dragon with

Many Tails 33

13. 盗贼和驴/

The Thieves and the Ass 35

14. 受神保护的西莫尼戴斯/

Simonides Preserved by the Gods 36

15. 死神和不幸的人/

Death and the Unfortunate 40

16. 死神和樵夫/

Death and the Woodman 42

17. 一个男士和两位不同年龄的女士/

The Man between Two Ages, and His

Two Mistresses 45

18. 狐狸和鹤/

The Fox and the Stork 47

19. 男孩和教师/

The Boy and the Schoolmaster 49

20. 公鸡和珍珠/

The Cock and the Pearl 51

21. 大黄蜂和蜜蜂/

The Hornets and the Bees 52

22. 橡树和芦苇/

The Oak and the Reed 54

卷二 Book 2 57

1. 斥爱挑剔的人/

Against the Hard to Suit 59

2. 老鼠开会/

The Council Held by the Rats 62

3. 狼在猴子面前告狐狸/

The Wolf Accusing the Fox before the Monkey 65

4. 两头公牛和青蛙/

The Two Bulls and the Frog 67

5. 蝙蝠和两只黄鼠狼/

The Bat and the Two Weasels 69

6. 受箭伤的鸟/

The Bird Wounded by an Arrow 71

7. 母猎狗和她的朋友/

The Bitch and Her Friend 72

8. 鹰和甲壳虫/

The Eagle and the Beetle 74

9. 狮子和蚊子/

The Lion and the Gnat 77

10. 驮海绵的驴和驮盐的驴/

The Ass Loaded with Sponges, and the Ass Loaded

with Salt 80

11. 狮子和老鼠/

The Lion and the Rat 82

12. 鸽子和蚂蚁/

The Dove and the Ant 85

13. 落井的占星家/

The Astrologer Who Stumbled into a Well 87

14. 野兔和青蛙/

The Hare and the Frogs 90

15. 公鸡和狐狸/

The Cock and the Fox 93

16. 乌鸦想模仿鹰/

The Raven Wishing to Imitate the Eagle 95

17. 孔雀向朱诺发牢骚/

The Peacock Complaining to Juno 97

18. 变成女人的猫/

The Cat Metamorphosed into a Woman 100

19. 狮子和帮他打猎的驴/

The Lion and the Ass Hunting 102

20. 由伊索来解释的遗嘱/

The Will Explained by Aesop 104

卷三 Book 3 109

1. 磨坊主父子和驴/

The Miller, His Son, and the Ass 111

2. 四肢和胃/

The Members and the Belly 116

3. 冒充牧羊人的狼/

The Wolf Turned Shepherd 119

4. 青蛙想要一个国王/

The Frogs Asking a King 122

5. 狐狸和山羊/

The Fox and the Goat 125

6. 鹰、野母猪和猫/

The Eagle, the Wild Sow, and the Cat 127

7. 酒徒和他的老婆/

The Drunkard and His Wife 130

8. 痛风和蜘蛛/

The Gout and the Spider 132

9. 狼和鹳/

The Wolf and the Stork 135

10. 被人打败的狮子/

The Lion Beaten by the Man 136

11. 狐狸和葡萄/

The Fox and the Grapes 137

12. 天鹅和厨师/

The Swan and the Cook 139

13. 狼群和绵羊/

The Wolves and the Sheep 141

14. 年老的狮子/

The Lion Grown Old 144

15. 菲罗墨拉和普洛克涅/

Philomel and Progne 145

16. 被溺死的女人/

The Woman Drowned 148

17. 在谷仓中的黄鼠狼/

The Weasel in the Granary 150

18. 猫和年迈的老鼠/

The Cat and the Old Rat 152

卷四 Book 4 157

1. 恋爱中的狮子/

The Lion in Love 159

2. 牧羊人和海/

The Shepherd and the Sea 163

3. 苍蝇和蚂蚁/

The Fly and the Ant 166

4. 园子的主人和他的领主/

The Gardener and His Lord 169

5. 驴和小狗/

The Ass and the Little Dog 172

6. 老鼠与黄鼠狼之间的战争/

The Battle of the Rats and the Weasels 174

7. 猴子和海豚/

The Monkey and the Dolphin 177

8. 男人和木制的神像/

The Man and the Wooden God 180

9. 饰有孔雀毛的鸟/

The Jay in the Feathers of the Peacock 182

10. 骆驼和漂浮的木头/

The Camel and the Floating Sticks 183

11. 青蛙和老鼠/

The Frog and the Rat 185

12. 动物向亚历山大进贡/

The Animals Sending Tribute to Alexander 188

13. 想向鹿复仇的马/

The Horse Wishing to be Revenged on the Stag 192

14. 狐狸和半身像/

The Fox and the Bust 194

15. 狼、山羊和山羊的孩子/

The Wolf, the Goat, and the Kid 195

16. 狼、母亲和她的孩子/

The Wolf, the Mother, and Her Child 197

17. 苏格拉底的话/

The Words of Socrates 200

18. 老人和他的孩子们/

The Old Man and His Sons 201

19. 神谕和无神论者/

The Oracle and the Atheist 204

20. 失去财宝的守财奴/

The Miser Who had Lost His Treasure 206

21. 主人的眼睛/

The Eye of the Master 210

22. 云雀和她的孩子们以及麦田的主人/

The Lark and Her Young Ones with the Owner

of a Field 214

卷五 Book 5 219

1. 樵夫和墨丘利/

The Woodman and Mercury 221

2. 瓦罐和铁罐/

The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot 226

3. 小鱼和渔夫/

The Little Fish and the Fisher 228

4. 野兔的耳朵/

The Ears of the Hare 231

5. 被切去尾巴的狐狸/

The Fox with His Tail Cut Off 233

6. 老妇人和她的两个仆人/

The Old Woman and Her Two Servants 235

7. 萨梯和旅行者/

The Satyr and the Traveller 238

8. 马和狼/

The Horse and the Wolf 240

9. 农夫和他的孩子们/

The Ploughman and His Sons 244

10. 大山分娩/

The Mountain in Labour 246

11. 命运之神和男孩/

Fortune and the Boy 247

12. 医生/

The Doctors 250

13. 下金蛋的母鸡/

The Hen with the Golden Eggs 252

14. 驮神像的驴/

The Ass Carrying Relics 254

15. 鹿和葡萄树/

The Stag and the Vine 255

16. 毒蛇和锉刀/

The Serpent and the File 258

17. 野兔和山鹑/

The Hare and the Partridge 260

18. 鹰和猫头鹰/

The Eagle and the Owl 262

19. 出征的狮子/

The Lion Going to War 265

20. 熊和两个同伴/

The Bear and the Two Companions 267

21. 披着狮皮的驴/

The Ass Dressed in the Lion’s Skin 271

卷六 Book 6 273

1. 牧羊人和狮子/

The Shepherd and the Lion 275

2. 狮子和猎人/

The Lion and the Hunter 278

3. 太阳和北风/

Phoebus and Boreas 280

4. 朱庇特和农夫/

Jupiter and the Farmer 283

5. 小公鸡、猫和小老鼠/

The Cockerel, the Cat, and the Young Mouse 285

6. 狐狸、猴子和其他动物们/

The Fox, the Monkey, and the Animals 288

7. 吹嘘家世的骡子/

The Mule Boasting of His Genealogy 290

8. 老人和驴/

The Old Man and the Ass 291

9. 以水为镜的鹿/

The Stag Seeing Himself in the Water 293

10. 龟兔赛跑/

The Hare and the Tortoise 296

11. 驴和它的主人/

The Ass and His Masters 298

12. 太阳和青蛙/

The Sun and the Frogs 300

13. 农夫和蛇/

The Countryman and the Serpent 302

14. 患病的狮子和狐狸/

The Sick Lion and the Fox 305

15. 捕鸟人、鹰和百灵鸟/

The Fowler, the Hawk, and the Lark 308

16. 马和驴/

The Horse and the Ass 310

17. 弃物追影的狗/

The Dog that Dropped the Substance for

the Shadow 311

18. 陷入泥潭的车夫/

The Carter in the Mire 312

19. 吹牛的人/

The Charlatan 315

20. 不和女神/

Discord 318

21. 年轻的寡妇/

The Young Widow 320

卷七 Book 7 325

1. 患瘟疫的动物/

The Animals Sick of the Plague 327

2. 不幸的婚姻/

The Ill-Married 332

3. 隐居的老鼠/

The Rat Retired from the World 335

4. 苍鹭/

The Heron 337

5. 少女/

The Maid 340

6. 愿望/

The Wishes 344

7. 狮子的宫廷/

The Lion’s Court 347

8. 秃鹫与鸽子/

The Vultures and the Pigeons 350

9. 马车和苍蝇/

The Coach and the Fly 353

10. 卖牛奶的女人和奶罐/

The Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk 355

11. 神父与死尸/

The Curate and the Corpse 359

12. 追求幸福女神的人和卧床等幸福女神的人/

The Man Who Ran after Fortune, and the Man Who Waited

for Her in His Bed 361

13. 两只公鸡/

The Two Cocks 366

14. 人对幸福女神的忘恩和不道义/

The Ingratitude and Injustice of Men Towards Fortune 369

15. 算卦的女人/

The Fortune-Tellers 372

16. 猫、黄鼠狼和小兔子/

The Cat, the Weasel, and the Young Rabbit 375

17. 蛇头和蛇尾/

The Head and the Tail of the Serpent 378

18. 一只月亮里的动物/

An Animal in the Moon 380

下册 Part Ⅱ

卷八 Book 8 387

1. 死神和将死的人/

Death and the Dying 389

2. 补鞋匠和金融家/

The Cobbler and the Financier 392

3. 狮子、狼和狐狸/

The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox 396

4. 寓言的力量/

The Power of Fables 400

5. 人和跳蚤/

The Man and the Flea 404

6. 女人和秘密/

The Women and the Secret 405

7. 帮主人带着食物的狗/

The Dog That Carried His Master’s Dinner 407

8. 爱开玩笑的人和鱼/

The Joker and the Fishes 410

9. 老鼠和牡蛎/

The Rat and the Oyster 412

10. 熊和业余园丁/

The Bear and the Amateur Gardener 414

11. 两个朋友/

The Two Friends 418

12. 公猪、山羊和绵羊/

The Hog, the Goat, and the Sheep 420

13. 提尔西斯和阿玛朗特/

Thyrsis and Amaranth 422

14. 母狮的葬礼/

The Funeral of the Lioness 427

15. 老鼠和大象/

The Rat and the Elephant 431

16. 占星/

The Horoscope 434

17. 驴和狗/

The Ass and the Dog 439

18. 帕夏和商人/

The Pashaw and the Merchant 441

19. 学问的用途/

The Use of Knowledge 445

20. 朱庇特和雷霆/

Jupiter and the Thunderbolts 448

21. 猎鹰和阉鸡/

The Falcon and the Capon 451

22. 猫和老鼠/

The Cat and the Rat 454

23. 激流和河/

The Torrent and the River 457

24. 教育/

Education 460

25. 两条狗和死驴/

The Two Dogs and the Dead Ass 462

26. 德谟克利特和阿布德拉人/

Democritus and the People of Abdera 466

27. 狼和猎人/

The Wolf and the Hunter 469

卷九 Book 9 473

1. 背信弃义的受托人/

The Faithless Depositary 475

2. 两只鸽子/

The Two Doves 480

3. 猴子和豹子/

The Monkey and the Leopard 485

4. 橡子和南瓜/

The Acorn and the Pumpkin 488

5. 小学生、教书先生和园主/

The Schoolboy, the Pedant, and the Owner of a Garden 490

6. 雕刻家和朱庇特的塑像/

The Sculptor and the Statue of Jupiter 492

7. 变成少女的老鼠/

The Mouse Metamorphosed into a Maid 494

8. 出卖智慧的傻子/

The Fool Who Sold Wisdom 498

9. 牡蛎和诉讼人/

The Oyster and the Litigants 501

10. 狼和瘦狗/

The Wolf and the Lean Dog 504

11. 不能过度/

Nothing Too Much 506

12. 大蜡烛/

The Wax-Candle 508

13. 朱庇特和航海者/

Jupiter and the Passenger 510

14. 猫和狐狸/

The Cat and the Fox 513

15. 丈夫、妻子和盗贼/

The Husband, the Wife, and the Thief 517

16. 财富和两个人/

The Treasure and the Two Men 519

17. 猴子和猫/

The Monkey and the Cat 522

18. 鹞鹰和夜莺/

The Kite and the Nightingale 525

19. 牧羊人和他的羊群/

The Shepherd and His Flock 527

卷十 Book 10 529

1. 两只老鼠、狐狸和禽蛋/

The Two Rats, the Fox, and the Egg 531

2. 人和毒蛇/

The Man and the Adder 542

3. 乌龟和两只鸭子/

The Tortoise and the Two Ducks 547

4. 鱼和鸬鹚/

The Fishes and the Cormorant 549

5. 埋金的人和他的朋友/

The Burier and His Comrade 553

6. 狼和牧羊人/

The Wolf and the Shepherds 556

7. 蜘蛛和燕子/

The Spider and the Swallow 560

8. 斑鸠和公鸡/

The Partridge and the Cocks 562

9. 被割去耳朵的狗/

The Dog Whose Ears Were Cropped 564

10. 牧羊人和国王/

The Shepherd and the King 566

11. 鱼和吹笛子的牧羊人/

The Fishes and the Shepherd Who Played

the Flute 571

12. 两只鹦鹉和国王父子/

The Two Parrots, the King, and His Son 575

13. 母狮和熊/

The Lioness and the Bear 578

14. 两个冒险者和护身符/

The Two Adventurers and the Talisman 580

15. 兔子/

The Rabbits 585

16. 商人、贵族、牧羊人和王子/

The Merchant, the Noble, the Shepherd, and the King’s Son 590

卷十一 Book 11 593

1. 狮子/

The Lion 595

2. 众神希望指导朱庇特的儿子/

The Gods Wishing to Instruct a Son of Jupiter 599

3. 农夫、狗和狐狸/

The Farmer, the Dog, and the Fox 602

4. 莫卧儿人的梦/

The Mogul’s Dream 606

5. 狮子、猴子和两头驴/

The Lion, the Monkey, and the Two Asses 609

6. 狼和狐狸/

The Wolf and the Fox 613

7. 多瑙河畔的农夫/

The Peasant of the Danube 616

8. 一个老人和三个年轻人/

The Old Man and the Three Young Ones 621

9. 老鼠和猫头鹰/

The Mice and the Owl 625

卷十二 Book 12 629

1. 尤利西斯的伙伴/

The Companions of Ulysses 631

2. 猫和两只麻雀/

The Cat and the Two Sparrows 637

3. 守财奴和猴子/

The Miser and the Monkey 639

4. 两只山羊/

The Two Goats 641

5. 老猫和小老鼠/

The Old Cat and the Young Mouse 644

6. 病鹿/

The Sick Stag 647

7. 蝙蝠、荆棘和鸭子/

The Bat, the Bush, and the Duck 650

8. 狗猫之争和猫鼠之争/

The Quarrel of the Dogs and Cats, and That of

the Cats and Mice 652

9. 狼和狐狸/

The Wolf and the Fox 655

10. 龙虾母女/

The Lobster and Her Daughter 659

11. 鹰和喜鹊/

The Eagle and the Magpie 661

12. 国王、鹞鹰和狩猎者/

The King, the Kite, and the Falconer 664

13. 狐狸、苍蝇和刺猬/

The Fox, the Flies, and the Hedgehog 669

14. 爱神和疯神/

Love and Folly 671

15. 乌鸦、羚羊、乌龟和老鼠/

The Raven, the Gazelle, the Tortoise,

and the Rat 674

16. 森林和樵夫/

The Woods and the Woodman 680

17. 狐狸、狼和马/

The Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse 683

18. 狐狸和火鸡/

The Fox and the Turkeys 685

19. 猿猴/

The Ape 688

20. 塞西亚的哲人/

The Scythian Philosopher 689

21. 大象和朱庇特的猿猴/

The Elephant and the Ape of Jupiter 691

22. 傻子与圣人/

The Fool and the Sage 694

23. 英国狐狸/

The English Fox 696

24. 太阳和青蛙/

The Sun and the Frogs 701

25. 老鼠联盟/

The League of the Rats 703

26. 达佛涅斯和阿尔咯马杜勒/

Daphnis and Alcimadure 707

27. 仲裁者、施赈人和隐士/

The Arbiter, the Almoner, and the Hermit 713









《拉封丹寓言》大多取材于古希腊、罗马和古印度的寓言,以及中世纪和十七世纪西方的民间故事,它是世界上影响最大的三大寓言故事集之一。 “乌鸦和狐狸”、“狼和小羊”、“知了和蚂蚁”、“龟兔赛跑”、“狮子和老鼠”和“冒充羊倌的狼”等脍炙人口的故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。该书自首次出版三百多年以来,至今被译成世界上几乎所有的文字,并不断地被改编成漫画、动画片、儿童剧等。本书选用其中最著名的英文译本之一,收录了全部寓言故事12卷共240篇,并配以法国著名画家古斯塔夫·多雷的插画。


尺寸23 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 4000


拉封丹寓言是清华大学出版社于2015.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 英语-语言读物 ,寓言-作品集-法国-近代 的书籍。