

(印) 克里斯哈拉莫斯 (Krishnamoorthy,R.) , (印) 库玛纳维尔 (Kumaravel,G.I.) , 著







作者:(印象)克里斯哈拉莫斯(R Krishnamoorthy) (印象)库玛纳维尔(G Indirani Kumravel) R Krishnamoorthy, PhD is Professor of Information Technology, BharathidasanInstitute of Technology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy. Dr R Krishnamoorthyreceived his M. Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from IndianInstitute of Technology, Kanpur and PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineer-ing from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, with specialization in ComputerVision and Image Processing. He has 24 years of teaching experience. He is theauthor of three books, and forty-four technical papers published in National andInternational Conferences and International Journals. He has produced five PhDs. Heis member of CSI, ISTE, IEEE and ACM. His areas of interest include network secu-rity, image processing and software testing. G Indirani Kumaravel is Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering,Annamaiai University, Chidambaram. She received her M E degree in ComputerScience and Engineering from Annamalai University. Indirani has 12 years of teach-ing experience. She is a member of CSI. Her areas of interest include Speech andImage Processing.


Preface ix

1. Data Structures-An Overview 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Data Types 3

1.3 Program Modules 4

1.4 Control Structures 7

1.5 Looping Structures 13

1.6 Arrays 16

1.7 Structures 24

1.8 Pointers 28

1.9 Recursion 31

Review Yourself 35

Multiple Choice Questions 36

Programming Exercises 38

2. Strings and Character Manipulation 39

2.1 Introduction 39

2.2 Primitive Functions or Operations on Strings 39

2.3 Representation of Strings 41

2.4 String Manipulation in C 42

2.5 String Manipulation Applications 58

Review Yourself 66

Multiple Choice Questions 67

Programming Exercises 67

3. Stacks 68

3.1 Introduction 68

3.2 Definition 68

3.3 Primitive Operations 69

3.4 An abstract Data Type (ADT) 70

3.5 Implementation 70

3.6 Applications of Stack 76

Review Yourself 99

Multiple Choice Questions 99

Programming Exercises 101

4. Queues 102

4.1 Introduction 102

4.2 Definition 102

4.3 Operations on a Queue 103

4.4 ADT for Queues 104

4.5 Representation of Queue 104

4.6 Various Other Queue Structures 112

4.7 Applications 152

Review Yourself 165

Multiple Choice Questions 165

Programming Exercises 165

5. Linked Lists 168

5.1 Introduction 168

5.2 Definition 168

5.3 ADT for Linked List 169

5.4 Singly Linked List 169

5.5 Doubly Linked List 184

5.6 Circular Linked Lists 198

5.7 Sparse Matrices 210

5.8 Applications 232

5.9 Additional Programs 254

Review Yourself 272

Multiple Choice Questions 272

Programming Exercises 273

6. Trees 274

6.1 Introduction 274

6.2 Definition 274

6.3 Terminologies Used 274

6.4 Binary Tree 276

6.5 Threaded Binary Trees296

6.6 Heap Trees 317

6.7 Deaps 327

6.8 Huffman Algorithm 337

6.9 Decision Trees 344

6.10 Game Tree 351

6.11 Applications 358

Review Yourself 362

Multiple Choice Questions 362

Programming Exercises 363

7. Graphs 364

7.1 Introduction 364

7.2 Definition 365

7.3 Terminologies Used 366

7.4 Representation of Graphs 369

7.5 ADT for Graphs 372

7.6 Extra Information that can be Retrieved from the Adjacency Matrix of the Graph 373

7.7 Operations on Graphs 374

7.8 Applications 410

7.9 Unweighted Shortest Path for Graphs Using Adjacency Matrix 439

7.10 Introduction to NP-completeness 444

Review Yourself 445

Multiple Choice Questions 445

Programming Exercises 446

8. Sorting 447

8.1 Introduction 447

8.2 Definition 448

8.3 Internal Sorting 448

8.4 External Sorting 474

Review Yourself 483

Multiple Choice Questions 483

Programming Exercises 484

9. Searching 485

9.1 Introduction 485

9.2 Quantity Dependent Search Techniques 485

9.3 Density Dependent Search Techniques 490

9.4 Indexed Search Techniques 509

Review Yourself 512

Multiple Choice Questions 512

Programming Exercises 513

10. Search Trees 514

10.1 Introduction 514

10.2 Binary Search Tree (BST) 514

10.3 AVL Trees 530

10.4 B - Trees 544

10.5 B+ - Trees 562

10.6 Tries 572

Review Yourself 587

Multiple Choice Questions 587

Programming Exercises 588

11. File Structures 589

11.1 Files 589

Review Yourself 599

Multiple Choice Questions 600

Programming Exercises 600

Index 602


《数据结构(C语言版)》内容简介:有关数据结构的教材很多,而《数据结构(C语言版)》是一本非常有特点的教材,每章先简要介绍本章的主要内容,给出基本的知识背景,然后使用大量的示例、表格、插图和流程图来阐述各种概念和知识,方便了读者的理解,同时给出了大量的源代码,帮助读者实现实际的数据结构,每章后面提供了复习题、多项选择题和编程练习题,有助于读者巩固所学知识的理解,是一本非常理想的数据结构教材。 每章先简要介绍本章的主要内容,给出基本的知识背景。 使用了大量的已求解示例、表格、插图和流程图,大大方便了读者的理解。 给出了大量的源代码,帮助读者实现实际的数据结构,从而提供程序的可靠性。 每章后面提供了复习题、多项选择题和编程练习题,有助于巩固所学知识的理解。 通过概念和编程示例来阐述每种数据结构的应用。




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数据结构是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 TP312 ,TP311.12 的主题关于 C语言-程序设计-高等学校-教材-英文 ,数据结构-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。