1.Make a Move
2.Skyway Sweeper
3.Wilma Rudolph: Olympic Gold Medalist
4.Two Men Who Dared to Dream
5.Pretty Is That Pretty Does
6.Attention, Parents and Kids of All Ages!
7.Crystal Cave
8.Washington Monument
11.Musical Notes
12.Cheater, Cheater
13.Soccer Blues
14.Singing School for Birds
15.The Road Not Taken
1.Make a Move
2.Skyway Sweeper
3.Wilma Rudolph: Olympic Gold Medalist
4.Two Men Who Dared to Dream
5.Pretty Is That Pretty Does
6.Attention, Parents and Kids of All Ages!
7.Crystal Cave
8.Washington Monument
11.Musical Notes
12.Cheater, Cheater
13.Soccer Blues
14.Singing School for Birds
15.The Road Not Taken
16.At the Drive—in
17.Lemonade Stand
18.Duke Ellington
20.Alice’s Supper
21.Old Toys
22.Who Invented Weekends?
23.Jack and the Beanstalk
24.Two Boys, Big Plans
25.I Remember, I Remember
26.The Letter
27.Sunday Culture Shock
28.How to Set up a Tent
29.Night Lights
30.Snow in the Suburbs
31.Only Owls
32.The Fox That Played Horse
33.Smokey the Bear
34.Why Soccer?
35.The Daffodils
36.The Golden Touch
37.Rooftop Keeper
38.Rock ‘n’ Roll Camp
39.Snakes: Love Them or Leave Them?
40.The Flight of Youth
41.The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll
42.Snow Is to Live with
43.Vivaldi and Bach
45.She Walks in Beauty
46.Buildings: From Tall to Taller
47.The Dirt on Soil
48.New York City’s Gem
49.Silliness in Space
50.Ode to the Sea
51.The Big Day
52.Problem Solved
53.Magic with Flowers
54.Field Trip
55.Sharing Music
56.History of Soccer
57.A Musical Genius
58.Happy Endings
59.His Dreams
60.One Great Wall
61.Thunder and Lightning
62.Caring for a Pet Hamster
63.Planting Dreams
64.Stray Birds (Ⅰ)
65.Dan and the Dolphin
66.The Pie Man
67.The Hamster from Room 144
68.And It’s Out of the Park!
69.Str ay Birds (Ⅱ)
70.Forest Mammals
71.Redwood Giants
73.Pick, the Haw—Haw Bird
74.Time in a Bottle
《义务教育英语课程标准泛读教材·常春藤英语系列:常春藤英语(三级下册)》是按照《义务教育课程标准》三级要求编写的,适合七年级(初一)学生阅读。本册作者精心收录了英美本土孩子的阅读作品,置身其中你能领略到英语国家的历史与文化,体会西方的风土人情,了解现代的科技和艺术以及一些脍炙人口的诗歌欣赏。其中有大家喜欢的Why soccer?讲述足球的由来,走入New York City’s Gem可以读到纽约的变化,Night Lights让你知道雷电的起因,Pretty Is That Pretty Does是我们为你们在文学鉴赏上开启的一扇门。另外,《义务教育英语课程标准泛读教材·常春藤英语系列:常春藤英语(三级下册)》还突出了实用的特点。为了帮助读者轻松阅读,《义务教育英语课程标准泛读教材·常春藤英语系列:常春藤英语(三级下册)》还对重点词汇进行释义,对故事主干进行阅读理解的提示,还通过问题形式促进写作水平的提高。
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9787300196732 如需购买下载《常春藤英语》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 中国人民大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 30.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 23 × 17 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
常春藤英语是中国人民大学出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语课-初中-教学参考资料 的书籍。