Preface1 IntroductionPART ONE - LINEAR ALGEBRA IN GRAPH THEORY2 The spectrum of a graph3 Regular graphs and line graphs4 Cycles and cuts5 Spanning trees and associated structures6 The tree-number7 Deteminant expansions8 Vertex-partitions and the spectrumPART TWO - COLOURING PROBLEMS9 The chromatic polynonual10 Subgraphexpansions11 The multiplicative expansion12 The induced subgraph expansion13 The Tutte polynomial14 Chromatic polynomials and spanning treesPART THREE - SYMMETRY AND REGULARITY15 Automorphisms of graphs16 Vertex-transitive graphs17 Symmetric graphs18 Symmetric graphs of degree three19 The covering-graph construction20 Distance-transitive graphs21 Feasibility ofintersection arrays22 Imprimitivity23 Minimal regular graphs with given girthR,eferencesIndex
This book is a substantially enlarged version of the Cambridge Tract with the same title published in 1974. There are two major changes. The main text has been thoroughly revised in order to clarify the exposition, and to bring the notation into line with current practice. In the course of revision it was a pleasant surprise to find that the original text remained a fairly good introduction to the subject, both in outline and in detail. For this reason I have resisted the temptation to reorganise the material in order to make the book rather more like a standard textbook.
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书名 | 代数图论站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787510078637 如需购买下载《代数图论》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 世界图书出版公司北京公司 |
版次 | 5版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 39.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
代数图论是世界图书出版公司北京公司于2014.5出版的中图分类号为 O157.5 的主题关于 图论-英文 的书籍。
(加) 塔特 (Tutte,W.T.) , 著
(美) 查特朗, 张萍, 著
(美) 韦斯特 (West,D.B.) , 著
(英) 威尔逊 (Wilson,R.J.) , 著
(德) 迪斯特尔 (Diestel) , 著
(印) 巴拉克里什南, (印) 阮甘纳桑, 主编
(美) 金芳蓉, 著
(俄罗斯) 卡西亚诺夫 (Kasyanov,V.N.) , 著
(德) R.迪斯特尔 (Reinhard Diestel) , 著