

朱万忠, 韩萍, 主编





本教材分为4册,每册编写8个单元。每一单元分为3个模块,每个模块的内容安排要使教师能够在2课时内,在不需要学生做课下预习和复习的前提下全部完成。这3个模块中的训练重点分别是学生的听力、阅读和表达(说、写)能力,但是每个模块也要在各自的主要目标技能外安排其他的技能训练。每个单元有共同的theme,但是每个单元的不同模块则应该围绕该共同的theme设计不同的专业话题。各个单元的模块划分应该标准化,同时每个模块中应该有模板化的内容,并注意 相关的词汇提示,使学生能够通过模仿完成与特定专业背景相关的交际任务。


Unit 1 Musicians

Lead-in Entertain yourself with a piece of musician

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Meeting new friends—Introducing and greeting people

Culture Tips: Addressing

·Stories of musicians—Bach and Chopin

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A Life of Beethoven

·Passge B Musical Genius: Mozart

Module 3 Culture Link

Manners of greeting each other in different cultures

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Role play—Communicate with a foreign colleague on an international art exhibition

·Practical Writing—Invitations

Unit 2 Painters

Lead-in What’s the title of the painting?

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Describing places and objects Culture Tips: Collection of art works

·Stories of Painters—Da Vinci and Rachael)

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A The Most Prolific Painter — Pablo Picasso

·Passge B Van Gogh

Module 3 Culture Link

What American people drink on different occasions

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Presentation in an art salon

·Practical Writing—Acceptance or declining of invitations

Unit 3 Actors and Actress

Lead-in Who are the actors and actresses?

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Where can I get it—Asking for information

Culture Tips: Personal questions

·Stories of Denzel Washington

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A A Legend in American Film Industry— Al Pacino

·Passge B French Beauty—Juliette Binoche

Module 3 Culture Link

Table manners

Module 4 Scenario Link

·On a TV talk show

·Practical Writing—Remark of award-winning

Unit 4 Dancers

Lead-in Entertain yourself with a piece of dance

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Talking about past events and experience

Culture Tips: Westerners’ personal philosophy

·Stories of Dancers—Isadora Duncan and Martha Graham

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A First Dancer of Modern China: Yu Rongling

·Passge B Dancing Queen

Module 3 Culture Link

How body language works

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Attending a party: giving a performance and talking about it

·Pracitcal Writing—A poster

Unit 5 Designers

Lead-in Watch a video clip about the Suzhou Museum

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Giving opinions—agreeing and disagreeing

Culture Tips: Western ways of giving opinions

·Stories of Designers or their works

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A Ieoh Ming Pei and the Louvre Pyramid

·Passge B Louis Vuitton

Module 3 Culture Link

Western Superstitions

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Presentation of a fashion show

·Practical Writing—advertisements

Unit 6 Famous Singers

Lead-in Listen to the song Love Me Tender

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Expressing willingness & wishes

Culture Tips: expressing wishes on festivals

·Stories of Famous Singers— Luciano Pavarotti and Anna Moffo

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A Life of Elvis Presley

·Passge B American Singer Paul Robeson

Module 3 Culture Link

Traditional and Modern Chinese Festivals

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Attending a talent show

·Practical Writing—notices

Unit 7 Photographers

Lead-in Enjoy a collection of photos

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·What Shall we do·—Making suggestions and giving advice

Culture Tips: Simple ways to say no

·Stories of Photographers—Kevin Carter and William Klein

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A Life of Henri Cartier-Bresson

·Passge B Master Portraitist: Yousuf Karsh

Module 3 Culture Link

Wedding customs from around the world

Module 4 Scenario Link

·Attending a photo exhibition

·Practical Writing—Curriculum Vitae / Resume

Unit 8 Playwrights

Lead-in Who are the playwrights?

Module 1 Learn to Talk

·Talking about similarities and differences

Culture Tips: British English V.S. American English

·Stories of a Playwright — Eugene O’Neill

Module 2 Learn to Read

·Passge A The World’s Greatest Playwright: William Shakespeare

·Passge B One of the Greatest American Playwright of the 20th Century:Arthur Miller

Module 3 Culture Link

British behaviours

Module 4 Scenario Link

·A short drama writing and performance

·Practical Writing—Greeting Cards for Accomplishment





尺寸29 × 21装帧平装
页数 200 印数 3000


艺术类大学英语是重庆大学出版社于2011.4出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 艺术-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。